Do you believe that an insurance company has treated you unfairly or that you’ve been taken advantage of? Many people buy insurance upon being promised that when the time arrives that they need to use the policy, they will be given the aid and support that they need. They go on to make their payments regularly in good faith, trusting the insurance company. Then when the time comes, the insurance company might wrongfully deny their claim, pay less than the full amount or delay payment. If that happens to you, then you have the right to take legal action to recover what is rightfully yours.
We are committed to helping individuals who have been treated unfairly by insurance companies, and we have a lot of experience in the matter. We’ve handled cases that deal with the denial of claims, delays in payment, cancellation of policies after claims and insufficient refunds. Our belief is as simple as this: if you’ve been paying your premiums faithfully, the insurance company should stand by the policy properly. If you need some assistance, fill out a free evaluation form today. We’ll then be able to start putting together a strategy to help you.
The problem is that insurance companies are all about preserving their profits. Sometimes they will do anything necessary to boost those profits, even if it means taking unfair steps to withhold payments from honest individuals like you. Worst of all, they get away with it all the time because the policyholders usually don’t know that they can pursue legal action. This is a dangerous cycle, as it encourages insurance companies to continue pursuing this strategy. They are hoping that homeowners, businesses and non-profit organizations will accept whatever is given to them and move on. In fact, even when some of those people know that they are being taken advantage of, they are unsuccessful in getting the full amount they are owed if they do not get legal assistance. That is why it is so crucial that you enlist our aid.
Are You Dealing With a Bad Faith Claim?
We ca help you out with any situation involving a bad faith claim. We have dealt with cases involving natural disasters such as fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes or other disasters. We’ve also dealt with basic break-in cases and robberies, as well as vandalism. Other cases we’ve handled include water damage from pipes bursting. As long as you’ve kept your insurance payments current, you deserve to have your claim handled fairly. We’ll go after any insurance company that is breaching faith, committing misconduct or misrepresentation. We can help you get the fair amount you deserve and punitive damages as well.
We won’t allow an insurance company to utilize unethical mechanisms to try to exploit their own customers. They often try to force customers to take what they are given and move along, sometimes through sneaky methods. They’ll try to get you to accept less money and agree that it is all that you are owed, but we can step in and fight for you so that you get what is rightfully yours. If you have a right to specific compensation, we will determine what it is and go after it on your behalf.
Let a Lawyer Assist You
We will try to help you settle out of court if that is possible, but if we have to take it to court to get the right result for you, we certainly won’t back away. We’ll stand by you when your insurance company won’t, so that you can have a strong ally in the process. We’ll fight to get you the justice of being paid properly. Contact us if you feel that you are being cheated, mistreated or taken advantage of by your insurer. Talk to one of our bad faith insurance claim lawyers about your specific situation and whether you should consider a lawsuit.